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Pricing Plan
great price plan for you!
Maecenas varius sem dui. Vestibulum semper ante a viverra posuere. Maecenas eleifend fermentum eros, et tristique eros.
UP TO 300
- Alexandria 60 L.E
- Borg Elarag & Alamiriaa 65L.E
- Cairo 55 L.E
- Cairo Suburbs 60 L.E
- Delta 65 L.E
- Canal 70 L.E
- Upper Egypt 85 L.E
- Remote Areas 110 L.E
MORE 500
- Alexandria 50 L.E
- Borg Elarag & Alamiriaa 60L.E
- Cairo 50L.E
- Cairo Suburbs 55L.E
- Delta 55 L.E
- Canal 60 L.E
- Upper Egypt 75 L.E
- Remote Areas 90 L.E
MORE 1000
- Alexandria 45L.E
- Borg Elarag & Alamiriaa 55L.E
- Cairo 45L.E
- Cairo Suburbs 50L.E
- Delta 50 L.E
- Canal 55 L.E
- Upper Egypt 65 L.E
- Remote Areas 80 L.E
MORE 3000
- Alexandria 40L.E
- Borg Elarag & Alamiriaa 45L.E
- Cairo 40L.E
- Cairo Suburbs 35 L.E
- Delta 45 L.E
- Canal 50 L.E
- Upper Egypt 55 L.E
- Remote Areas 70 L.E
-Prices are inclusive of VAT.
-Prices are inclusive of COD collection service.
-Prices include the first 2 kg.
-Shipping fees for 1 kilo or less is 219 EGP
-Full shipping fees are collected after the shipment arrives at our company’s branch in the country of
origin regarding to the actual weight of the shipment so that we can ship it to Egypt
-The customer receives his shipment after arrival from any of our company branches if you need to ordering
to ship it to your door, you need to pay for the domestic shipping costs